
Episode 242: The Cricket on the Hearth, Chirp the Third

In which we contemplate murder, self-sacrifice, marriage, and happy endings.
Episode 242, Cricket on the Hearth 3
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for a fantasy of home, frisky Boxers and grouchy toymakers
  • This story is in the public domain.
  • The LibriVox recording by Ruth Golding is also in the public domain in the U.S. I am very grateful for LibriVox and Ms. Golding's talent which are graciously provided gratis.
Podcast Highlight


Episode 241: The Cricket on the Hearth, Chirp the Second

In which we go on the carrier's rounds, enjoy a picnic, meet Caleb's daughter, and see an unimaginable sight.
Episode 241, Cricket on the Hearth 2
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for a fantasy of home, frisky Boxers and grouchy toymakers
  • This story is in the public domain.
  • The LibriVox recording by Ruth Golding is also in the public domain in the U.S. I am very grateful for LibriVox and Ms. Golding's talent which are graciously provided gratis.


Episode 240: The Cricket on the Hearth, Chirp the First

In which we meet the Peerybingles, Boxer, a poor toymaker, a crabby toymaker, an unusual parcel and ... the cricket.
Episode 240, Cricket on the Hearth 1
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for a fantasy of home, frisky Boxers and grouchy toymakers
  • This story is in the public domain.
  • The LibriVox recording by Ruth Golding is also in the public domain in the U.S. I am very grateful for LibriVox and Ms. Golding's talent which are graciously provided gratis.


Episode 239: American Food Writing

In which we sample some hors d'oeuvres from a tasty platter of American food writing.
Episode 239, American Food Writing
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for apples, pies, chickens, bears, pancakes, and Egg McMuffins
  • American Food Writing is under copyright. This story is shared under the Fair Use Act as a sample of the pieces in the anthology. Views to the contrary, please contact me (my email is in the sidebar).
Podcast Highlight


Episode 238: Mrs. Appleyard's Year, Nov.-Dec. Finale

In which football, Thanksgiving, and shopping end up the year.
Episode 238, Mrs. Appleyard's Year, November-December
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for charm, humor, and 1941 life
  • This story is in the public domain as far as I can ascertain. If I am incorrect in my findings, please contact me (my email is in the sidebar).
Podcast Highlight
Documents That Changed the World


Episode 237: No Forwarding Address

In which we have a martini, read a scroll, and practice magic.
Episode 237, No Forwarding Address
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for tall tales in taverns
  • No Forwarding Address by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt is under copyright. This story is shared under the Fair Use Act as an illustration of this duo's writing. Views to the contrary, please contact me (my email is in the sidebar).
Podcast Highlight


Episode 236: Lighter Than You Think

In which we learn that what this country needs is a good cigar-shaped spaceship.
Episode 236, Lighter Than You Think
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for inventions, horse racing,
  • Lighter Than You Think by Nelson Slade Bond is in the public domain.
Podcast Highlight
Muscle Shoals - The Movie


Episode 235: The Ultimate Melody

In which we have a pint at the White Hart while hearing a scientific tall tale.
Episode 235, The Ultimate Melody
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for pop music, British pubs, tall tales, and science
  • The Ultimate Melody by Arthur C. Clarke is under copyright. This story is shared under the Fair Use Act as an illustration of Arthur C. Clarke's writing. Views to the contrary, please contact me (my email is in the sidebar).
Podcast Highlight
Muscle Shoals - The Movie


Episode 234: Young Goodman Brown

In which we are transported to 17th century Salem village
for an encounter with Puritans, witch-meetings and pink ribbons.
Episode 234, Young Goodman Brown
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: PG for pink ribbons, devilish temptation, witches covens, and marital suspicion
  • This story is in the public domain.
Podcast Highlight


Episode 233: Rappaccini's Daughter, Part II

In which the whole truth about Beatrice ... and about Giovanni ... is discovered.
Episode 233, Rappaccini's Daughter, part II
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: PG for poisonous flowers, love, and scholarly antagonism
  • This story is in the public domain.
Halloween Listening


Episode 232: Rappaccini's Daughter, part I

In which a young man from Padua spies a beautiful maiden in her garden.
But is there something deadly there too?
Episode 232, Rappaccini's Daughter, part I
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: PG for poisonous flowers, love, and scholarly antagonism
  • This story is in the public domain.


Episode 231: Mrs. Appleyard's Year, September-October

In which Autumn brings migration, roasted corn, and the choreman.
Episode 231, Mrs. Appleyard's Year, September-October
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for charm, humor, and 1941 life
  • This story is in the public domain as far as I can ascertain. If I am incorrect in my findings, please contact me (my email is in the sidebar).
Podcast Highlight


Episode 230: Mrs. Appleyard's Year, August

In which baseballs are encouraged to break windows and we hear an unusual story from Civil War days is told.
Episode 230, Mrs. Appleyard's Year, August
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for charm, humor, and 1941 life
  • This story is in the public domain as far as I can ascertain. If I am incorrect in my findings, please contact me (my email is in the sidebar).
Podcast Highlight


A Lift for My Day: Forgotten Classics in the "What's Hot" iTunes podcasts

Granted, it is featured in the Literature category, a sub-set of the Arts category in podcasts.

Still, it was a decidedly wonderful surprise when I was skimming podcasts to see if some new interesting podcast has begun ... and I saw Forgotten Classics featured. Right in the same special spot as Scott Sigler, Grammar Girl, CraftLit, and The Classic Tales Podcast!

It's funny how little it takes sometimes to put a bright new gloss on the day. Right? A nice little treat along with the fun I've been having looking for a 1930's style science fiction / adventure type story which one of our regular listeners requested, "Something like The Green Girl."

It does keep it all fun, and that is the point after all ... along with doing all I can to tempt people to try some of these forgotten classics which I love.

It also goes to prove one might get noticed even if one is simply doing something for the fun of it. No one ever is going to read Mrs. Appleyard's Year aloud in the hopes of getting noticed. Charming and humorous, yes. Trendy? Not at all.

Thank you to all who keep dropping by to listen and letting me read aloud to you!


Episode 229: Mrs. Appleyard's Year, June-July

In which it is summer in Vermont so get ready for picnics, July 4th, and new-picked peas.
Episode 229, Mrs. Appleyard's Year, June-July
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for charm, humor, and 1941 life
  • This story is in the public domain as far as I can ascertain. If I am incorrect in my findings, please contact me (my email is in the sidebar).
Podcast Highlight
Uvula Audio - The Lone Ranger Rides


Episode 228: A Daughter of Rameses

In which, after a large whiskey, Mr. Jorkens tells a tale of a daughter of Rameses.
Episode 228, A Daughter of Rameses
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for tall tales told in taverns
  • The Travel Tales of Mr. Jorkens by Lord Dunsany is under copyright. This story is shared under the Fair Use Act as an illustration of Lord Dunsany's writing. Views to the contrary, please contact me (my email is in the sidebar).


Episode 227: Mrs. Appleyard's Year, May

In which we drive into the country, consider the elm,and think about baby talk.
Episode 227, Mrs. Appleyard's Year ch. 5 - May
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for charm, humor, and 1941 life
  • This story is in the public domain as far as I can ascertain. If I am incorrect in my findings, please contact me (my email is in the sidebar).
Podcast Highlight
I'll Have the Cheeseburger

Other Links 
Great Courses on Audible
LibriVox new recordings


Episode 226: Mrs. Appleyard's Year, ch. 3-4, March - April

In which we consider hand towels, gray days, sick days, and the British telephone.

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for charm, humor, and 1941 life
  • This story is in the public domain as far as I can ascertain. If I am incorrect in my findings, please contact me (my email is in the sidebar).

Lagniappe 60: In the Steps of St. Paul

A bit of In the Steps of St. Paul
by H.V. Morton
(listen or download from link above)
According to Webster
la·gniappe \ˈlan-ˌyap, lan-ˈ\
Etymology: American French, from American Spanish la ñapa the lagniappe, from la + ñapa, yapa, from Quechua yapa something added
Date: 1844
: a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase;
broadly : something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure


Episode 225: Mrs. Appleyard's Year, ch. 2 - February

In which we consider hand towels, gray days, sick days, and the British telephone.
Episode 225, Mrs. Appleyard's Year ch. 2 - February
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for charm, humor, and 1941 life
  • This story is in the public domain as far as I can ascertain. If I am incorrect in my findings, please contact me (my email is in the sidebar).


Lagniappe 59: More Scenes from the Rural Life

A bit of More Scenes from the Rural Life
by Verlyn Klinkenborg. 
(I received this book as part of the Amazon Vine review program ...
(listen or download from link above)
According to Webster
la·gniappe \ˈlan-ˌyap, lan-ˈ\
Etymology: American French, from American Spanish la ñapa the lagniappe, from la + ñapa, yapa, from Quechua yapa something added
Date: 1844
: a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase;
broadly : something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure


Episode 224: Mrs. Appleyard's Year, Introduction and chapter 1

In which we meet the Appleyards and consider Mrs. Appleyard's New Year's resolutions.
Episode 224, Mrs. Appleyard's Year intro - ch. 1
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
  • Story rating: G for charm, humor, and 1941 life
  • This story is in the public domain as far as I can ascertain. If I am incorrect in my findings, please contact me (my email is in the sidebar).
I'm out of town for a couple of weeks and will close comments until I get back just to avoid spamming problems.


Episode 223: The Mouse in the Mountain - Finale!

In which Doan and Carstairs solve not just one mystery, but all of them.
Episode 223, The Mouse in the Mountain, Finale
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
Podcast Highlights
Other Links


Episode 222: The Mouse in the Mountain, chapters 11-13

In which there are one aviator, two brothers, and
three daughters (with a little Pig Latin thrown in).
Episode 222, The Mouse in the Mountain, chapters 11-13
(download or listen via this link)

Book Information
Podcast Highlights


Episode 221: The Mouse in the Mountain, chapter 10

In which there is murder, mayhem, and a missing person in the night ... 
and a mysterious umbrella.
Episode 221, The Mouse in the Mountain, chapter 10
(download or listen via this link)
Book Information
Podcast Highlights


Episode 220: The Mouse in the Mountain, chapter 9

In which Doan and Carstairs rejoin the tourists ... and the plot thickens.
Episode 220, The Mouse in the Mountain, chapter 9
(download or listen via this link)
Book Information


Episode 219: The Mouse in the Mountain, chapters 7-8

In which Doan discovers murder ... and becomes Captain Perona's target.
Episode 219, The Mouse in the Mountain, chapters 7-8
(download or listen via this link)
Book Information
Podcast Highlight


Episode 218: The Mouse in the Mountain, chapter 6

In which Janet and Captain Perona get better acquainted ... and have an adventure.
Episode 218, The Mouse in the Mountain, chapter 6
(download or listen via this link)
Book Information
Podcast Highlight
Other Reference


Lagniappe 58: A History of the Jews

A bit of the introduction discussing what archaeologists have brought to
understanding the Bible as history. 
A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson
(listen or download from link above)
According to Webster
la·gniappe \ˈlan-ˌyap, lan-ˈ\
Etymology: American French, from American Spanish la ñapa the lagniappe, from la + ñapa, yapa, from Quechua yapa something added
Date: 1844
: a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase;
broadly : something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure


Episode 217: The Mouse in the Mountain, chapter 5

In which Doan meets Eldridge and several others besides ... and experiences something new.
Episode 217, The Mouse in the Mountain, chapter 5
(download or listen via this link)
Book Information
Podcast Highlight
Other Reference


Episode 216: The Mouse in the Mountain, chapter 4

In which our heroes finally get to Los Altos and we see Doan in action.
Episode 216, The Mouse in the Mountain, chapters 4
(download or listen via this link)
Book Information
Podcast Highlight


Episode 215: The Mouse in the Mountain, ch. 2-3

In which there are shady doings in Los Altos while the bus passengers are still on the road.
Episode 215, The Mouse in the Mountain, chapters 2-3
(download or listen via this link)
Book Information
Podcast Highlight
Other Links


Episode 214: The Mouse in the Mountain, chapter 1

In which Doan and Carstairs board the bus to Los Altos and meet their fellow passengers.
Episode 214, The Mouse in the Mountain, chapter 1
(download or listen via this link)
Book Information
Podcast Highlight


Episode 213: The Unforeseen, Finale!

In which all comes to pass in ways completely unforeseen!
Episode 213, The Unforeseen, chapters 14-15, Finale!
(download or listen via this link)

This book is in the public domain. 
(Note: I have researched the copyright to the best of my ability as well as written to the original publishers more than once and received no reply. My conclusion, therefore, is that this book is in the public domain. If anyone has conclusive information to the contrary, please contact me.) 

Book Information
  • Story rating: PG for eerieness
  • For another book by this author: The Uninvited (read previously on Forgotten Classics)
Podcast Highlight
What I've Been Reading Links


Episode 212: The Unforeseen, chapter 13

In which Virgilia tells the shocking truth ...
Episode 212, The Unforeseen, chapter 13
(download or listen via this link)

This book is in the public domain. 
(Note: I have researched the copyright to the best of my ability as well as written to the original publishers more than once and received no reply. My conclusion, therefore, is that this book is in the public domain. If anyone has conclusive information to the contrary, please contact me.) 

Book Information
  • Story rating: PG for eerieness
  • For another book by this author: The Uninvited (read previously on Forgotten Classics)
Podcast Highlight


Episode 211: The Unforeseen, ch. 12

In which a scream is heard in the night ...
Episode 211, The Unforeseen, chapter 12
(download or listen via this link)

This book is in the public domain. 
(Note: I have researched the copyright to the best of my ability as well as written to the original publishers more than once and received no reply. My conclusion, therefore, is that this book is in the public domain. If anyone has conclusive information to the contrary, please contact me.) 

Book Information
  • Story rating: PG for eerieness
  • For another book by this author: The Uninvited (read previously on Forgotten Classics)


Episode 210: The Unforeseen, chapter 11

In which Virgilia and Dr. Franks ... and Nan and Perry ... sort things out.
Episode 210, The Unforeseen, chapter 11
(download or listen via this link)

This book is in the public domain. 
(Note: I have researched the copyright to the best of my ability as well as written to the original publishers more than once and received no reply. My conclusion, therefore, is that this book is in the public domain. If anyone has conclusive information to the contrary, please contact me.) 

Book Information
  • Story rating: PG for eerieness
  • For another book by this author: The Uninvited (read previously on Forgotten Classics)
Podcast Highlight
Other Mentions


How to Get Forgotten Classics Onto Your iPad ...

... or other device that normally needs an app, including iPhones.

I got an email asking how to get the older episodes onto your iPad since they don't show up in iTunes.

I talked to my husband about how he does this with his iPad for podcasts that don't have apps.

He says:

  1. Download the episodes to a computer (not your iPad) that has iTunes.
  2. Open the episodes in iTunes*.
  3. Synch your iPad's iTunes to your computer's iTunes. That will put the files on your iPad.

* They'll come in as music which you can change to a podcast, if you like, using the "Get Info" command under "Files" in iTunes.


Episode 209: The Unforeseen, chapter 10

In which visions come true.
Episode 209, The Unforeseen, chapter 10
(download or listen via this link)

This book is in the public domain. 
(Note: I have researched the copyright to the best of my ability as well as written to the original publishers more than once and received no reply. My conclusion, therefore, is that this book is in the public domain. If anyone has conclusive information to the contrary, please contact me.) 

Book Information
  • Story rating: PG for eerieness
  • For another book by this author: The Uninvited (read previously on Forgotten Classics)
Podcast Highlight
Other Mentions

Welcome Sword and Laser listeners!

I received an email yesterday mentioning:
You may have noticed that many people have been visiting your blog. The Sword & Laser book club (on GoodReads.com) is reading Bridge of Birds this month. Someone in the book club mentioned your blog as a way to listen to the book.
I actually don't really keep track of stats around here but when I went to check I saw that there was indeed increased traffic. (As well as some very nice comments in their forum thread.)

My husband checked bandwidth use and was stunned. My apologies for slow downloading. I'm not sure how many of the 15,000 members were trying to listen rather than read but it was enough to test the hosting company's capacity evidently.

Also, my apologies, again, for the Chinese pronunciation. This is where knowledge can indeed hurt you (or your ears!).

Many thanks to Tamahome from SFFaudio who kept bringing my reading to the Sword and Laser gang at Goodreads! It is nice to have such a persistent friend.

If you're new here and haven't listened to Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart, I recommend it. It has consistently been a favorite and with good reason. Mr. Hughart has a rare talent. I thank him again for allowing us to enjoy it together.


Episode 208: The Unforeseen, chapter 9

In which Nan discovers how creatively everyone avoids telling her the truth.
Episode 208, The Unforeseen, chapter 9
(download or listen via this link)

This book is in the public domain. 
(Note: I have researched the copyright to the best of my ability as well as written to the original publishers more than once and received no reply. My conclusion, therefore, is that this book is in the public domain. If anyone has conclusive information to the contrary, please contact me.) 

Book Information
  • Story rating: PG for eerieness
  • For another book by this author: The Uninvited (read previously on Forgotten Classics)
Podcast Highlight


Episode 207: The Unforeseen, chapter 8

In which Virgilia sees big trouble ahead and Nan is left in the dark.
Episode 207, The Unforeseen, chapter 8
(download or listen via this link)

This book is in the public domain. 
(Note: I have researched the copyright to the best of my ability as well as written to the original publishers more than once and received no reply. My conclusion, therefore, is that this book is in the public domain. If anyone has conclusive information to the contrary, please contact me.) 

Book Information
  • Story rating: PG for eerieness
  • For another book by this author: The Uninvited (read previously on Forgotten Classics)
Podcast Highlight