

Episode 120: The Riddle of the Sands, chapters 12-14

In which the scouting begins in earnest and skullduggery is afoot!
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The Gospel of Thomas (T.M. Camp's short stories)

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  • Quote
    Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. -- Howard Thurman
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  1. The way you have been dishing out cliffhangers lately I hope this chapter ends not on one. Otherwise greatly enjoying the latest book.

  2. Okay, no cliffhanger just warning that we have to wait a bit for the next installment.

    Unfair! I demand you spend more time on your absolutely free service!!!

  3. :-D

    Worse yet, I think I am going to be sidetracked for an episode because of something I've been reading. But it should be good! :-)

  4. I am really enjoying this book. It was one that I was not sure about at first, but as often happens, I got to really like it after a couple of episodes. Also, it's so cool that Ann The Man is from that region, and was able to help you with pronunciation! Sorry you have to do all that extra work doing the reading, but we listeners greatly appreciate it.

  5. Thank you for the Howard Thurman quote! I'd never thought of it that way. Marvelous.

    Also, if you told some real-life ghost stories I think fewer people would pooh-pooh you than you think. I sure wouldn't—I listen to Jim Harold's Campfire!

    (Okay, actually going to listen to the chapters now.) :}


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