The Moonspinners by Mary Stewart
In which we travel to Greece with Mary Stewart, the author who created romantic suspense.
The Moonspinners: excerpt
This book is under copyright.
Story rating: for adult readers, though there is no offensive content
More information about Mary Stewart
Mary Stewart on Wikipedia
Mary Stewart: a born storyteller
My favorite Mary Stewart romantic suspense titles
(look for them at Amazon or at ABE Books)
* The Ivy Tree
* This Rough Magic
* The Gabriel Hounds
* Touch Not the Cat
* Nine Coaches Waiting
* Madam Will You Talk?
* Wildfire at Midnight
* My Brother Michael
* The Moonspinners
Podcast Highlight
Crimes Against Food
Breakfast episode is featured on my Huffduffer feed
RSS, iTunes feed
This book is under copyright.
Story rating: for adult readers, though there is no offensive content
More information about Mary Stewart
Mary Stewart on Wikipedia
Mary Stewart: a born storyteller
My favorite Mary Stewart romantic suspense titles
(look for them at Amazon or at ABE Books)
* The Ivy Tree
* This Rough Magic
* The Gabriel Hounds
* Touch Not the Cat
* Nine Coaches Waiting
* Madam Will You Talk?
* Wildfire at Midnight
* My Brother Michael
* The Moonspinners
Podcast Highlight
Crimes Against Food
Breakfast episode is featured on my Huffduffer feed
RSS, iTunes feed
Additional link